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How would you rate your own health? If you could achieve Optimal Wellbeing, what would that look like?

The good news is that transforming your life to create a healthier lifestyle is possible! Most people have the desire to make healthy changes, but are not aware of the best methods for achieving and maintaining optimal health and wellbeing.

This is why the first element of OPTAVIA’s Four Components of Optimal Health focuses on partnering with me, your independent OPTAVIA Coach!

One-on-one support is one of the components that sets OPTAVIA apart from other programs. As your OPTAVIA Coach, I am here to support you as you learn the Habits of Health and begin to make healthy choices.

Learning how to achieve your best life will help you reach your short and long-term health and wellness goals. Additionally, I will hold you accountable while celebrating your accomplishments – big and small - along the way.

Here are just a few reasons why you should consider when working with your independent OPTAVIA Coach:

  • Keep in regular contact. My support helps keep you on your path towards optimal health and wellbeing. It is important to stay in contact with me throughout your journey to ensure you receive the utmost guidance and support. Connect with me to establish regular wellness chats and what means of communication you prefer (i.e., via Zoom, phone call, text, email, etc.).
  • I’ve been there. I am always happy to share my personal tips and tricks with you, like the best time to eat your Fuelings, when to work healthy motion into your routine, which program is best for you, and much more!
  • Share this journey with me. This journey is YOURS to take. You are in control of your path to lifelong transformation, so be sure to celebrate this experience with me along the way!

To learn more about the Four Components of optimal health, RSVP to Health and Hope Night on Wednesday, February 9, 2022.

Additionally, please reach out to me, your independent OPTAVIA Coach, before or after Health and Hope Night. Let’s discuss what you learned and how you would prefer to partner together as you achieve optimal health and wellbeing!

Join us on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, at 8:30 PM ET/7:30 PM CT/5:30 PM PT, for a special Health and Hope Night for OPTAVIA Clients, hosted by independent OPTAVIA® Coaches, Bekah and Kevin Tinter.

Be sure to RSVP; yes, you are "going" on our Facebook Health and Hope Event Page, where we will live stream this Webinar, in addition to Zoom! To invite your network, simply click the invite button and select the friends you want to attend. You can also share this event on your personal Facebook page to get the word out!

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):

Or Dial (US Toll):

And Enter the Pin: 113312513#

It’s a big week for sports fans! The Winter Olympics began on Friday, February 4 and Super Bowl LVI follows on Sunday, February 13.

Getting together with friends and family to watch the Winter Olympics and cheer on your team during the big game is something many of us enjoy.

Most sporting events typically mean party food. However, it is much easier than you may think to stay on plan!

These tips will help keep you on track:

  • Eat beforehand. A simple way to deter yourself from overeating at parties is to eat before you go or grab a Fueling on your way out the door. This way, you won't have to fight any temptations, and you can focus on friends and the game instead.
  • Bring your own food. Sometimes what compels us to eat is the fact that everyone else around us is eating. Pack and prepare a compliant Lean & Green meal from the OPTAVIA App to share with your loved ones, while not straying from your health goals. If you haven’t already, download the OPTAVIA App in the App (Apple) or Google Play (Android)
  • Stay active. Consider staying active during commercial breaks or during the half-time show. Stand up, stretch, dance, or take a quick walk break.
  • Inform those around you. Telling your friends and family that you are on a health journey could lead to them providing healthier options to choose from, such as veggies or grilled protein.

Remembering your goals and implementing the tips above will help you stay on track during these exciting outings!

If you need to talk through your steps to stay on plan, please reach out to me, your independent OPTAVIA Coach, for additional tips and advice!

Yield: 4 servings

Total Time: 30 minutes

Per Serving: 1 Leaner, 1 Healthy Fat, 3 Green, 3 Condiments


2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch bite-sized cubes

1 cup no sugar added pickle juice

6 cups chopped kale

½ tsp each: salt & pepper, divided

Cooking spray

6 tbsp hot sauce

4 tsp sesame oil


  1. Marinate the chicken with pickle juice for at least 15 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, pre-heat the oven to 375⁰F.
  3. Line two sheet pans with parchment paper or foil. Spray with non-stick cooking spray.
  4. With a knife or by hand, remove leaves from stems and tear or cut kale into large bite-sized pieces. Wash and dry thoroughly.
  5. Toss kale with a quarter teaspoon of both salt and pepper. Spread a single layer of kale on one of the prepared sheet pans, being careful not to overcrowd.
  6. Spray the top of the kale with non-stick cooking spray and bake for about 15 to 20 minutes until crisp, but not burnt.
  7. Meanwhile, drain the chicken from pickle juice and toss with a quarter teaspoon of both salt and pepper. Spread the chicken in a single layer on the other prepared sheet pan, being careful not to overcrowd.
  8. Spray the top of the chicken with non-stick cooking spray and place it in the oven 5 to 6 minutes before the kale chips are done. The chicken should cook to an internal temperature of 165⁰F.
  9. While the chicken nuggets are cooking, whisk together the hot sauce and sesame oil in a liquid measuring cup.
  10. Once the chicken is cooked, toss with buffalo sauce.
  11. For one portion, serve 6 ounces chicken nuggets, a ¼ of the kale chips, and 1½ tablespoons of sesame buffalo sauce.

Nutrition Facts: Per Serving: 340 calories, 50g protein, 10g carbohydrate, 11g fat

Download the OPTAVIA App today for additional Lean & Green recipes!

From Teacher to OPTAVIA Coach

Bernice is a 73-year-old wife, mother, and retired teacher. She taught school for 47 years, and after the age of 50, earned a Doctorate in Education and began teaching on the college level. There was, however, one goal that she repeatedly struggled with, and that was reaching a healthy weight and achieving optimal health and wellbeing.

"You see, I thought that willpower and persistence were all I needed, but using those strategies only, I failed.”

Eventually, dear friends told Bernice about OPTAVIA, and she decided to get on plan.

“I soon learned that my weight gain was not my fault, thanks to the support of her independent OPTAVIA Coach, the OPTAVIA Community, and the OPTAVIA Fuelings!”

Bernice now practices the MicroHabits of Health - healthy eating and hydration, motion, having a healthy mindset, and sleeping better.

“As I began sharing my journey with others, I became excited about paying this wonderful program forward to people, who like me, want to become healthier.”

Bernice eventually decided to become an OPTAVIA Coach herself. “I am thankful every day for better health, my new friends, my OPTAVIA Clients, and all of the wonderful opportunities provided to me!”  

*Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.


Independent Certified OPTAVIA Coach
New Oxford, PA

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