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In Element 02 of Your LifeBookKnowing What You Want to Accomplish, you identified the areas of your life you want to change, while creating the building blocks for motivation. The next step is to determine what you need to build new habits that support your healthy behaviors and create the desired outcomes.

Write your story by considering these ways to create consistent results:

  • Use structural tension. Identify and write down your primary MacroHabit selection, such as healthy surroundings. You can develop new habits to achieve your desired results by writing down what needs to change as a reference point to help keep you motivated.
  • Create a habit loop. A habit loop consists of a cue, a routine, and a reward. First, select a habit like practicing healthy hydration. Then create a cue to remind yourself how to activate this new habit; for example, by setting an alarm on your phone three times a day to ensure your water intake is on track. This will enable you to “install" this habit and make it routine. Finally, to "close the habit loop," identify a reward like reading 20 pages of a new book, to reward this positive behavior!
  • Connect present actions to long-term rewards. Your present decision making will lead to your future self. Remembering your WHY when faced with a difficult choice in the moment will encourage positive decision making and keep you on track to achieving your future goals.

Once you learn how to put structure around what you need to achieve what you want, installing and continuing to build healthy habits will become second nature. Remember, you have total control over your decisions!

The start of your journey will require support from your independent OPTAVIA Coach, someone who can share their own experiences and offer guidance on how to best identify what practices to put into place.  I'm here to encourage and motivate you along the way!

Check out Dr. A’s Element Stories here!

The OPTAVIA App is a resource for YOU, providing access to tools to leverage on your wellness journey!

Specifically, the ever-growing recipe library is the only location to find more than 130 OPTAVIA approved Lean & Green meals. Plus, you can also browse recipes based on dietary needs, protein preference, and cuisine type!

Additionally, several new self-service features like checking your order status and order tracking will make it easier to stay on top of your OPTAVIA orders, while ensuring you have enough Fuelings to stay on plan for the next 30 days.

In addition to these features, we plan to announce new App enhancements based on your feedback!

Stay tuned next month as we plan to unveil an exciting NEW feature in the App based on your feedback!

Download the OPTAVIA App today from the App (Apple) and Google Play (Android) stores. Please continue to share your feedback within the OPTAVIA App, (using the left-hand navigation bar) or by rating and sharing comments in the Apple (App) or Google Play (Android) stores.

Please reach out to me, your independent OPTAVIA Coach, if you want to walk you through ongoing enhancements together!

Yield: 4 servings

Total Time: 20 minutes

Per Serving: 1 Leaner, 1 Healthy Fat, 3 Green, 3 Condiments


2 garlic cloves, minced

1 tbsp fresh oregano, minced (or 1 tsp dried)

4 tbsp lemon juice

4 tsp extra virgin olive oil

4 tbsp reduced-fat feta

1½ lbs. rotisserie chicken breast, skin-removed, chopped

2 cups lettuce, washed and torn

2 cups riced cauliflower

2 cups riced zucchini

1 cup diced roma tomatoes


  1. Combine and cook riced cauliflower and zucchini in the microwave or steamer for about 6 to 8 minutes, until tender.
  2. Combine the garlic, oregano, lemon juice, oil, and feta to make the dressing.
  3. To serve, neatly arrange one cup of lettuce, one cup of riced cauliflower and zucchini, a ¼ cup of tomatoes, and 6 ounces of chicken in a bowl. Drizzle 1½ tablespoons of the dressing over the top and serve.

Nutrition Facts: Per Serving: 380 calories, 57g protein, 9g carbohydrate, 12g fat

Download the OPTAVIA App today for additional Lean & Green recipes!


Rosaleen was overweight most of her adult life, gaining, then losing weight depending on the extracurricular activities she practiced in her hometown of Oahu, Hawaii.

"I've played football, volleyball, paddled, hiked, and did CrossFit throughout my life, but was never consistent. So, my weight would go up and down like a yo-yo."

When Rosaleen celebrated her 40th birthday, she noticed her weight was the highest ever. It was at that moment she decided to make a change.

Rosaleen reached out to an old neighbor who was on an OPTAVIA plan and after an empowering conversation, she started her own health journey at 315 pounds.

"I needed change. I did not tell my extended family, friends, or co-workers what I was doing at first. I got through the holidays on OPTAVIA’s 5 & 1 Plan® by staying vigilant ."

After Rosaleen lost more than 100 pounds*, she decided to become an independent OPTAVIA Coach so she could pay it forward to help her family and friends live their best life.

OPTAVIA has been a catalyst in my life, and the program and the Community have opened my mind to more possibilities. 

As an OPTAVIA Coach, Rosaleen loves sharing her energy, passion, and health with everyone in her life. “My household is bustling with vibrancy since OPTAVIA has changed my life and now I take pride in spreading that 'OPTAVIA Aloha!’”

*Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.



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Baltimore, MD 21202, United States

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