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When setting your health and wellness goals in the new year, understanding your WHY is essential. In Element 01 of Your LifeBook, Co-founder of OPTAVIA and independent OPTAVIA Coach, Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen, tells us that identifying your WHY is critical for creating lasting changes as we embark or continue our journey to optimal health and wellbeing.

Your WHY will motivate you while you are on this journey and help turn your new, healthy behaviors into lasting habits. Here are some tips for identifying and putting your WHY into action:

  • Be thoughtful. When identifying your WHY, make sure it is authentic and intrinsically motivating to you and your story. The more personal you make your WHY, the more motivated you will be to reach your goals and avoid temptations.
  • Know that your WHY will change. As you begin to accomplish some of your health and wellness goals, you will develop new ones for yourself. With these new goals, will come new WHYs. Expand and strengthen your WHY as you continue to transform. This will help maximize your growth.
  • Write it down. After you have carefully chosen your WHY, write it down three times so that it occupies a concrete space in your mind and in your life. Place sheets of paper in places you will see throughout the day, such as your refrigerator, bedside table, bathroom mirror, or dashboard.
  • Say it out loud. Say your WHY out loud with conviction multiple times a day. Say it when you wake up, before bed, and any time throughout the day when you may encounter temptation. Don’t be afraid to say your goal out loud in front of others. Focusing on improving your health and wellbeing is nothing to be embarrassed about!
  • Envision your success. In your head, envision a scene where your goal is fulfilled. Doing so will help you experience your WHY and make your goal feel more real.
  • Say, “YES”. Throughout all phases of your transformational journey, from identifying your WHY to achieving your end goals, positive reinforcement is key. Repeating “yes” statements to yourself will help encourage you to remain steadfast in achieving your best self. For example, say “YES” to the person you want to become, and do your best to say “NO” to temptation.

Identifying your WHY is the first step of your transformation journey. Committing to actions based on your WHY will give you confidence and momentum needed to achieve your goals.

Ask me, your independent OPTAVIA Coach, for additional tips on how to define your personal WHY as you embark or continue your journey to Lifelong Transformation, One Healthy Habit at a Time.

Check out Dr. A’s Element Stories here!

Begin you new year by studying Your LifeBook to learn about the Elements to advance your true potential.

As your independent OPTAVIA Coach, I challenge you to make decisions that reflect on your future and who you want to become! I’m here to lend support, but also hold you accountable as you work towards achieving your goals this year.

Consider these tips to start the new year with a healthy mindset:

  • Reach out to your supportive Community. Connect with the OPTAVIA Community! Other like-minded Clients have likely been where you are today and can help guide you in making positive decisions to keep you on track.
  • Journal. Take ownership of your actions and write them down by taking a few minutes each day to write a sentence or two reflecting on your day.
  • Drink more water. Try to drink about 64 ounces of water a day* to stay healthy and help stave potential food cravings. Hydration is essential for your optimal wellbeing, which can help you remain responsible and assist you in making better decisions.
  • Get moving. Participate in healthy motion at your own pace to help guide you along your journey. Not only is healthy motion good for your heart and body, it is an excellent tool for clearing your mind and focusing your mind on what is most important to you. Did you know that OPTAVIA's App now includes a Motion Tracker to help you keep track of your daily motion in one place? Learn more about the Motion Tracker on OPTAVIA CLIENT ANSWERS.

Establishing a positive, healthy mindset takes practice, but over time, you will start to see your choices more clearly and have the power to make choices that move you closer to optimal health and wellbeing.

Reach out to me, your independent OPTAVIA Coach, for additional ways I can keep you focused on your goals.


Yield: 1 serving

Per Serving: 1 Lean, 3 Green, 2 Condiments

Total Time: 30 minutes


1 bone-in chicken leg, skin removed

¼ tsp kosher salt, divided

1/8 tsp ground black pepper

1½ cups broccoli florets


  1. Preheat oven to 425°F.
  2. Remove any visible fat from the chicken, and thoroughly rub in 1/8 teaspoon of salt and pepper until the salt dissolves.
  3. Place the chicken on a small sheet pan and bake for 10 minutes.
  4. Arrange the broccoli florets tightly next to the chicken on the sheet pan and continue to bake for another 13 minutes until broccoli is tender and the chicken is well-browned with an internal temperature of 165°F.
  5. Sprinkle the remaining 1/8 tsp of salt onto the broccoli and enjoy.

Air Fryer Method: Cook the chicken at 400°F for 10 minutes in the air fryer, then add the broccoli and continue to cook for another 5 minutes or until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165°F.

Nutrition Per Serving: 380 calories, 51g protein, 6g carb, 16g fat

Download the OPTAVIA App today for additional Lean & Green recipes!

A New Path

As a single mother of two children, Michelle found herself depressed, anxious, and overweight while working long, late hours as a waitress. “I would get ready for work, drop the kids at their grandparent's house, head to work, and return home after my children were asleep.”

Michelle was searching for something that allowed her to be proud of herself and provide for her family. One day, she decided to call an acquaintance who was part of the OPTAVIA Community.

She quickly got on plan and saw significant improvements. “I feel like had more energy to play with my children when I wasn’t working, and it was rewarding to see my weight drop consistently.”

Michelle had the support of her independent OPTAVIA Coach who held her hand during times of need and celebrated her achievements. Eventually, Michelle reached her weight loss goal of 50 pounds* and realized anything was possible.

“People at the restaurant didn’t even recognize me. I started to believe in myself. I developed the confidence to achieve anything I set my mind to as with a plan, I could conquer anything.”

Soon after, Michelle had a conversation with her OPTAVIA Coach about the possibility of coaching others to health and wellbeing.

Michelle knew she needed to pay it forward and as a Coach, she started to share the gift of OPTAVIA with her friends, family, and complete strangers.

*Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.



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