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Inflammation is your body’s natural response to injury and infection. Your body alerts the immune system to heal and repair damaged tissue while protecting itself against viruses and bacteria. Once your immune system restores balance, it typically settles back to normal.

However, sometimes inflammation can last longer than necessary, which can lead to other health concerns. But, with a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can help keep inflammation under control.

Check out the following simple tips to reduce inflammation naturally:

  • Eat leafy greens. Leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, contain vitamins that help reduce inflammation. In general, the darker the greens, the more healthy nutrients they contain. It is best to avoid processed foods as they are high in unhealthy fats and sugars, which is linked to inflammation.
  • Get plenty of rest. Insufficient sleep can stress your body before you even begin your day, which can also lead to inflammation. Aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night to allow your body ample time to refresh.
  • Manage stress. Stress is another risk factor that can contribute to your body’s inflammatory responses. Use techniques such as meditating, implementing Stop. Challenge. Choose, or journaling in Your LifeBook to help manage your stress throughout the day.
  • Get vitamin D. Having a vitamin D deficiency can also be associated with several inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Increase your Vitamin D intake by devoting 15-20 minutes daily to soaking up the sun. Another great way to implement more vitamin D is to add fatty fish, such as tuna and salmon, to your diet as an alternative. OPTAVIA Fuelings are a great source of Vitamin D to consider daily, as well.

Ask me, your OPTAVIA Coach, for more ways to maximize your anti-inflammation protection on your journey to Lifelong Transformation, One Healthy Habit at a Time®.

Check out Dr. A’s Element Stories here!

Now that the temperature has begun its yearly decline in most areas, farmer’s markets, produce stands, and gardens are becoming a bit more scarce. But, don’t give up on fresh, local produce just yet!

Whether you are an experienced gardener or have never touched gardening tools, why not spice up your Lean & Green meals with your OWN homegrown vegetables?

However, not just any vegetable will survive the cooler temperatures. Try planting some of these delicious vegetables this fall to incorporate into your meals:

  • Kohlrabi. A great source of vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, and fiber. On the Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan®, enjoy a ½ cup serving, raw or cooked!
  • Radishes. These red bulbs can be harvested within 30 days and are high in vitamin C. They are also one of my favorite low-carbohydrate vegetables to choose from, so enjoy a ½ cup serving size on the Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan!
  • Turnips. Turnip roots are an excellent source of vitamin C and are low in carbohydrates. But, did you know that you can even eat the leaves? Turnip leaves actually have an excellent source of vitamins A and K and folate.
  • Mustard Greens. These yummy greens are a great source of fiber, folate, manganese, and vitamins A, C, and K. Along with being low in carbohydrates, mustard greens are yet another great vegetable that is harvestable within 30 days of planting. As an added bonus, they add a naturally peppery taste to food! Why add pepper when you can just eat more mustard greens?
  • Kale. A cabbage family member, kale is high in both vitamins A and C. It is also a good source of calcium and potassium and one of the moderate carbohydrate greens on the Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan. The serving size for kale is a ½ cup.

Vegetable gardens have other benefits than just the healthy vegetables that they produce. They are also a source of beauty and tranquility, along with a great healthy activity.

Please reach out to me, your independent OPTAVIA Coach, about other fall vegetables you can add to your garden this year!

Yield: 4 servings

Complete Lean & Green Meal: 1 lean, 3 green, 1 condiment

Total Time: 30 minutes


6 cups cauliflower rice

3 large eggs

2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese

¼ tsp salt (optional)

12, 1-oz. reduced-fat cheddar cheese slices


  1. Preheat the oven to 425⁰F.
  2. Spread the cauliflower on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for 30 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
  3. Reduce the heat to 400⁰F.
  4. In a kitchen towel, squeeze the cauliflower to remove excess moisture. Mix together the cauliflower with the eggs, parmesan, and salt.
  5. Scoop 1/3 cup of the cauliflower mix onto a section of the parchment-lined sheet pan and shape into a bread slice, about ¼-inch thick. Repeat 7 times for a total of 8 cauliflower "bread" slices. Bake cauliflower "bread" at 400⁰F for 8 minutes.
  6. Remove from the oven, top one cauliflower "bread" slice with 3 slices of cheddar cheese, and then place another cauliflower slice on top. Repeat 3 times for a total of 4 grilled cheese sandwiches.
  7. Return the sheet pan to the oven and cook until the cheese is melted.

For a slightly crispier grilled cheese sandwich, follow steps 1 through 6 in the directions above. Once the cauliflower "bread" slices have been baked, use a wide spatula to transfer four of the slices to a lightly coated, non-stick skillet heated over medium-high heat. Top each of the 4 cauliflower "bread" slices with 3 slices of cheddar cheese, and then place a cauliflower "bread" slice on top of each one to make a total of 4 grilled cheese sandwiches. Cook until the cheese is melted.


Per serving: 340 calories, 20g fat, 10g carbohydrate, 31g protein


Visit our OPTAVIA Pinterest page for an extensive assortment library of Lean & Green meals.

New Opportunities

“I have been heavy my entire life. I would lose massive amounts of weight over and over again only to continuously put it back on.”

Aside from the yoyo dieting, Sarah also found herself to be tired all the time. Even her kids started to take notice. "When asking my kids, 'what is Mom's favorite thing to do?’, they said take naps. They were right; I had no endurance to finish a day without taking a nap."

Sarah saw several of her friends succeed with OPTAVIA and decided it was time for her to take action.

By staying committed, and developing lasting healthy habits, Sarah received the results she longed for many years.

“I no longer take naps. I sleep soundly and wake up refreshed with energy that lasts all day. My relationship with food is different now. I’m no longer tempted by food, nor does it control me."

Sarah found that her success has come from following her independent OPTAVIA Coach, keeping in contact with the Community, and staying consistent on plan.

Several of Sarah’s friends and family members even asked about her transformation and said they wanted to join her.

“I’m now an independent OPTAVIA Coach. I knew a part of me needed to help and support others on their journeys.”

Sarah enjoys all the opportunities that being a part of the Coach Community offers.

“The most exciting part of my journey is getting to watch the success of my friends and family that are on plan with me. I love paying it forward and helping people achieve the same success I did.”

*Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.


Bessie Karegianes

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