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Every day we are faced with choices. In fact, according to Co-Founder and Independent OPTAVIA Coach, Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen, there are three different types of choices: primary, secondary, and fundamental:

  1. Primary choices are about deciding the one thing we want most, like optimal health.
  2. Secondary choices are about defining, then taking the daily actions that support our primary choice, such as choosing not to have ice cream.
  3. Fundamental choices define our state of being, or our choice to be free and healthy.

It’s important to remember that YOU are empowered and fully responsible for your actions. You don’t have to let circumstances drive your decisions.

This means there is really no such thing as "cheating." You have the power to make decisions that affect your long-term health and wellbeing. But, remember that no one is perfect, and that you may occasionally have the urge to revert back to your old habits, which is totally normal!

The easiest way to stay vigilant in making healthy, positive choices is to practice Stop. Challenge. Choose:

  • Stop. Take a slow, deep breath to help control your emotions. Recognize that you are triggering an unhealthy habit. Pausing and taking a breath helps to regain control.
  • Challenge. Think about why you are responding to the situation the way you are. Remind yourself of your goals and the choices that can help you reach these goals.
  • Choose. Make the healthy choice that gives you a similar reward but is much better for your long-term health.

Remember that it took time to turn unhealthy choices into a healthy habit, so it will take equal time to learn and then implement new, healthy habits. Be patient with yourself because eventually you will train your brain so its automated response is to make the healthy decision.

Need additional motivation or guidance, feel free to reach out to me, your OPTAVIA Coach if you need additional motivation.

Join this week’s Habits of Health® Community Time, Choices vs. Cheating on Wednesday, August 26th at 8:30 p.m. ET/7:30 p.m. CT/5:30 p.m. PT, hosted by Independent OPTAVIA® Coach, Jamil Frazier.

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

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As you’re working to learn about creating the healthy habits that will lead you to holistic health and wellbeing, try to incorporate NEAT (Non-Exercise Thermogenesis Activity) into your routine, when you are ready, to help burn extra calories.

For example, the Habits of Health Transformational System encourages you to start practicing healthy motion simply by walking. Walking is especially powerful because it's sustainable, safe, and accessible regardless of your fitness level or age. You don't need special equipment, and you can do it almost anywhere: on the treadmill, at the park, or around your neighborhood.

Per the Habits of Health Transformational System, the habit of healthy motion is something you can ease into, but when you’re ready, these tips may be helpful when you are ready to take your walk to the next level:

  • Pick up the pace. Try to mix up your typical routine by adding small intervals at a slightly faster pace. If it usually takes you 15 minutes to complete your routine, try to do it in 14 minutes. By making a conscious effort to pick up your pace, you’ll challenge yourself and elevate your heart rate at the same time.
  • Pump your arms. Did you know you can also get an upper body workout from walking? Pump your arms up and down as you walk to build stronger muscles in your back, shoulders, and arms.
  • Use your core. Your core muscles help you maintain good posture and resist slouching. Engage your abdomen by tightening your stomach muscles and straightening your back while you walk.
  • Add some weight. There are several different ways to add weight to your walk. Try ankle or wrist weights, a backpack with weights, or a weighted vest. You can also walk with dumbbells for increased muscle definition in your arms.
  • Make it social. Invite a friend or family member to take a walk with you, or join a virtual walk group on social media. While you’re burning calories, you’re also building and nurturing these social bonds.

Don’t underestimate the power behind a good walk! Next time you go for a stroll, consider your goals and adjust your routine to optimize your walk.

Ask me, your OPTAVIA Coach, about other ways to enhance your healthy motion on your journey to Lifelong Transformation, One Healthy Habit at a Time®.

Yield: 4 servings

Total Time: 45 Minutes

Complete Lean & Green Meal: 1 Lean, 3 Green, 2 Condiments


4 cups riced cauliflower

½ cup water

¼ cup grated parmesan cheese

1 egg

¼ tsp or less of each: salt & pepper, divided

1¼ lb. boneless, skinless chicken thighs cut into bite-sized cubes

½ cup celery, diced

½ cup kabocha squash, diced

½ cup quartered button mushrooms

½ cup cut green beans

 1-2 sprigs of fresh thyme

1 cup chicken broth

1 cup unsweetened almond milk


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. Combine cauliflower and water in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for 5 minutes or until cauliflower is tender. Drain, and allow cauliflower to cool. Place cauliflower in cheesecloth to squeeze out as much liquid as possible.
  3. Mix ¾ of the riced cauliflower with the parmesan cheese and egg. Reserve the other ¼ of riced cauliflower for later.
  4. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, spread cauliflower mixture into 4 equally-sized circles that will fit the inside circumference of your serving bowls. Bake cauliflower crusts until the center is dry and the crust is golden brown.
  5. Add the remaining ingredients to an Instant Pot, including the reserved riced cauliflower, to make the pot pie filling. Secure lid, push meat/stew mode, and adjust the time for 10 minutes. When Instant Pot beeps, naturally release pressure.
  6. Ladle chicken pot pie filling into bowls and top each with a cauliflower crust.

Nutrition Facts: 270 calories, 12g fat, 9g carbohydrate, 31g protein

Slow Cooker Method: Make the cauliflower crust as directed. Add all of the remaining ingredients for the potpie filling to a slow cooker. Cover with lid, and cook on low for 2 hours. Assemble as directed in step 6.


Visit our OPTAVIA Pinterest page for an extensive assortment library of Lean & Green meals.

Living Out Loud

"Three years ago, I not only experienced an emotionally painful year, but I had also sadly come to a point in my physical health, where I accepted being overweight. I even started preparing for the likelihood of diabetes and the possibility that I would have a shorter life."

Angela was constantly feeling awful, fatigued, and had been through a year of physical therapy due to back pain.

“My body was unhealthy, but so was my mind. I feared many things—what others thought of me when I stood in front of them, that I would face other health concerns due to my weight, and that I would miss most of my children’s lives because I was too tired to do anything with them.”

But hope began to blossom for Angela when she saw her friend’s transformation and success with OPTAVIA. She decided to give the Program a try with her friend as her Coach.

"She asked me to trust her until I could believe for myself! So I took the first step, then the next, until one day, I began to believe that this dream actually could become a reality! The chains of bondage began to break away, and the impossible became possible."

Angela lost 105 pounds* and gained the freedom to run with her young children, get down on the floor and get up again, and focus on loving others by sharing the gift of health she had received.

"Sometimes, the smallest steps in the right direction end up being the biggest steps of our lives! What began as a ‘diet’ has become a life transformation of body and mind! Never regret your fight for your health."

*Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.


Sara Richardson

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